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How To Take Advantage Of Food Leftovers


Do you usually throw leftover food in the trash? It happens often, in the rush we throw away food leftovers that could be used for another lunch or dinner. we tell you tricks to take advantage of the food that you have left over.

In many homes where food is left over and we keep it in the fridge, we freeze it at the end in the trash. This is a waste that if you add it to the year, it is money. With a few simple tricks, you will see how you can match the leftovers you have.

How To Take Advantage Of Food Leftovers?

Remember that meats or fish that you buy frozen, once cooked if you can refreeze them. That is, frozen meat that you use for a recipe, and you have some of the already cooked meat left over if you can freeze it. Some steaks that you bought frozen and have been fried, you can freeze them again. What you cannot do is freeze something that was frozen and has not been cooked.

Leftover Meat

First, if you don’t know what to do, you can keep it in a container and write down what it contains and the date (or else in a note on the fridge with a magnet). In this way, if at that moment you are in a hurry, then you can check and know that you have a container with frozen beef or chicken, and think about the use you can give it. Among the things you can do with chicken, beef, pork, beef, etc., are:

If you have meat already cooked but without sauce like that of the stew, you can use it to make lasagne, cannelloni or to make a Bolognese sauce that you can use with spaghetti, rice or to enrich vegetables, such as cauliflower or some aubergines.

Roasted meat or meat in sauce that can be steaks or hamburgers is better chopped, if it had sauce when mincing it, it will have a different flavor. You can add béchamel to use these meat scraps with vegetables, pasta or rice.

If you have leftover steaks, they can be frozen and then used with tomato sauce, or finely cut to make fajitas or cannelloni.

If you have breaded fillets or Cordón Bleu left over, you can cut them into small pieces and put them in salads.

Roast chicken, or turkey can be used the same for salads, as chips in pasta dishes or vegetables.

Leftover Fish

If they are white fish such as hake, monkfish or cod and do not have sauce, that is, they are fried, grilled or steamed, we can recycle them by adding a green sauce, a little lemon or mayonnaise sauce. They can also be served crumbled to make croquettes or to add to salads or seafood cocktails by adding a few prawns and crab sticks.

If they are blue fish and they are fried or roasted, you can put them in pickle.

Leftover Cooked Legumes Or Vegetables

With leftover lentils, chickpeas or beans you can make purees, a first dish that, for example, children tend to like. Spinach for example or asparagus combine well to make a scramble with eggs or an omelette. Leftover peas to accompany a rice or adding diced ham.

Potatoes and chickpeas from the stew can be fried to make ‘old clothes’.

If you have rice left over and it is not soggy you can freeze it, for example white rice keeps well and you can use it in different recipes. The pasta is not well frozen at all and in the refrigerator, it will not last for more than two days. If you have leftover pasta, it is best to use it in a salad or as a garnish with fish or meat.

Cakes Or Sweets

Sponge cakes and cakes, for example cream, chocolate or cream, you can freeze them cut into pieces so that you can remove them as appropriate, you can cut the cake into small square pieces and serve it as cupcakes. A good trick if you want to eat a little sweet without warning. Also, this way the cake will give you more game. If they give you candy and you don’t want to be tempted, freeze the cake or cakes, a cake that is in the fridge must be consumed in 3-4 days, however if it is frozen you can eat it for a couple of months.


In general, you can freeze it, the important thing is that you defrost it by slightly moistening the food so that it rehydrates and looks appetizing, otherwise it will turn out like chewing gum.

The Savvy Explorer